jm: guitar, singing bam: singing, vexation robot: heedless beat take 1: jm: too low? is that too low? this sound's going to sound foolish like... bam: only if you know that it's a cord hitting a wine glass jm: that's a special effect. you just blew it. take 2: jm: ok. [headphones go on] oh yeah. i fucked up. shit. bam: oh yeah. ok [gratuitous instructions] no, that's; now you 've got jm: wait, it has to do it [turns on robot]... then it's like donna summer [phone rings] bam: that was a miserable disaster.. [recorder cuts it off] take 3: bam: ... hear it when it happened bam: ... hear it when it happened jm: what? say that again? bam: that was a cool sound jm: ha. shit. i wonder [unintelligible] [ding!] that wasn't it either bam: i bet if it broke, that would be cool. jm: it was like a synthetic sound. uh. bummer. bam: this is pathetic jm; it really is lame. it sounds like a patient etherized upon a table bam: no it doesn't jm: forget it. i'm gonna burn up all 90 minutes of the media. bam: [strange bubbling sound] thats the sound man. you ought to do that. take 4: bam: not it's more like, a little bit more jm: swirlie? bam: yeah, hm. this is the sensitive part of the song. even though i have no idea what it's about take 5: jm: alright. um, let's put on robot. bam: that's a nice headphone stand. look at that. robot: commencing beat bam: [sardonically] yeah jm: [haplessly hunting for headphones] it's on the stand! where else would it be. [various stabs at faux scratching] jm: hey, hey, hey. oh i know. i know what's going on here. bam: are we going to be screaming over C3PO over there? he sounds wicked loud. jm: wait till you hear THE MIX jm+bam, song well under way: 'the moment i saw myself as conditional i tried to recant but every lunatic savior on limbo road dies [String goes BANG] watching you dance.' bam: what was that. wow. how did you do it? jm: [fecklessly] my guitar string broke.